Petal's introduction

Petal is recent handle name I update. Evetswee is my old handle I use in community website and forum with account tswee24. Stage name: Rosella Name: Wee Tze Siang

Monday, November 15, 2010

Without glasses

Twinkle of lights
are not satelite
until I wear glasses,
they're not from sky.
I take out glasses
they look like stars,
Merrily twinkle,
vivid and beautiful;
until I wear glasses,
they become squares,
on broadband stood tall;
stars are imagination. 

By Petal

Copyright 2010 onwards

Artist's papaya

One of the papayas is in my workplace.
The fruit of yellow and green I did not steal.
It's randomly found in unexpected place,
That had not eaten and I leave it be.
It is untouched and still on my table.

At carpark where there's a tree found,
That one I once look at,
but misplace:
The inspiration I could not find.
A moment only one part that fascinate me
Are the colours of living thing's lives.

Gardens are the place where one can find,
Among are the papayas I pick green.
It does not consider to stealing it
The season comes and it's free country.
Now on the table, papaya's still as a sculpture.

Drawn with pastel I randomly visualize,
It's simple as a fruit, and only the colour
fascinate me to sketch
that's when inspiration strike I started,
turn blank paper to colour of flesh after being drawn.

By Petal
Copyright 2010 onwards.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Incident at pedestrian street

Ambling feet swirled on
cunning pavement, flickered
footsteps steer past familiar
places, on the day
the sky drop
independent pour of gloom
like steady and endless
stream of harmless needles.

The weather screen cloud
out of shops' roofs,
umbrella been clamoured
to clear way for strolling feet
at the moment of edgy
rush by incoming car heads
down pedestrian street
fleet of wheels start to screech.

It echoes the crash
with attention my eyes
zoomed upon scrunched heap
injured when she cries,
with howling pain of holler brings
attention piercing call.
The driver on seat
must be hopeless on mishap
with shocked eyes.

Touch of headlights stain cold
when lights disappear, it's not broken which
is fortunate revelation of time isn't night.
Broken figure of a maid was on arms
of mistress appear instinctively when
she was beside to growl at him
driver's recklessness and might.

Driver's sin was too much for me
to judge, in wind it fly, surrounded
by pour as cloak to hide
guilty eyes. Mistress
and maid recoil
as if they saw gun flit on rest
they must move aside
a path of dangerous line.

Every strenuous minute drag under
cloud and car's pane mask
unmoving and defiant message that shrunken
the will to stay in line than angrily shout,
stood I on dark road which page
me reflect to be sage.

By Petal

Copyright 2010 onwards

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My grandfather is an angel

It's sudden, disbelieving words came out from cellphone,
My grandfather left, my heart turns alone.
Tears jerk until the moment bus stop I must alight,
no tears on face, eyes turn away from passerby's scry,
that day, how could I lost my grandfather? I thought until I saw.
The moment he is still room fill with stricken pause
How unfair he suffer the silence as he once dream hope;
I know the nature of cycle but only flaw is my soul there
Are not present when time announce, but it told
He depart and be angel without notice, I've nothing to hold,
My anchor was lost with dread as departure left despair.
In my dreams he ask to be let go, I woke to accept the world. 

By Petal 

Copyright 2010 onwards

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


I'm playing solitary
a lonely game I play,
for a moment
I feel surreal.
I'm not alone,
there's no need to dwell
to have head crack,
I feel so eaten.

There's no fun to play
solitary I imagine
I can ignore
the protest my foot told,
but I'm not ready
to sleep; my foot stuck
like a mud
on ground I only can
stare the screen.

I sense no depression
but Queens and Kings call
shot when they appear
I don't feel so tired.
I don't feel insane,
it's good enough they
ask me to take lead.

By Petal
Copyright 2010 onwards

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The glove

Lily took a memory trip,
walk down the lane and foretell-
seeing the other same, a true
sibling who imitate her look,
but she can see her in the dream,
in life she's gone, leave a glove
which is seven years old etch in mind.

By Petal
Copyright 2010 onwards

Toddlers' fun

Two wonderful boy toddlers
with cute eyes,
bop and jump,
or pop a smile,
with hype or naught.
making funny faces
and punch a line.
Otherwise they tumbling
much to
amusement they all
say with merriment,
to bemuse us
the hype of their fun.

Love to be watch,
they  accompany you
they like being cuddl-ish,
for parents to weigh them.
Two cuties stare and pout,
trampling and squiggle,
fell onto the cushion;
be ticklish for you to press
their giggle.
snort before snore
feel death of boredom
strikes again!

With extra attention
never pamper them--
their eyes sparkles,
with good reason to
wear the sunglasses.
It's their order,
to wear them;
when they turn cool
they speak random words
to make a special
And happy day.

By Petal
Copyrights 2010 onwards

Red wine or cocktail

I hardly drink vodkar and red wine/beer,
all I have taste once.

Have try spirit before,
I do find it nice, refreshing.

I have no favorites,
But red wine's good for heart I like.

Cocktail, it's included too,
it also tasted once;

If there's vanilla flavour,
I'm granted to drink it if there's treat.

There's always a good drink

of any beverages unrelated,
Red wine or cocktail,

or any other beverages of favorites,
Have it all for heart and soul.

By Petal
Copyright 2010 onwards

Blank Stares

Its gaze filled the air,
Its empty inside, a pair
Of eyes were still,
When the clock ticks;
One word of no movement
Is not a trick-
It's stubborn,
And still as a statue.

Solid and hard
In one place,
It stands in his post
With grace.
Immobile, he towers down
With a long look,
Quietly it remains
In silent approach,
But he shows a straight face.

It is not a reproach,
Emotions devoid preaching
By the stares of no movement,
The statue has silent power
in longer moment;
Stood there expressionless,
He waits.

And it is unfortunate
To hear active sounds,
It only breaks,
When he hears it cut
And it resounds.
The head amputated,
Lastly the stare was
No longer tempted;
It's a headless statue.

The head rolled on the
Ground, it still staring
As it still moving around,
And seeing the sky till it stops.
On the ground looking up,
Time paused when it lolls.
Headless statue still standing
And all passerby's
Blank stares he received.

By Petal
Copyrights 2010 onwards

Petal's works

All works belong to Wee Tze Siang with copyrights @ 2010  Penname: tswee24  Handle: Rosella (Formerly known as Eve) Forum username: Petal