Petal's introduction

Petal is recent handle name I update. Evetswee is my old handle I use in community website and forum with account tswee24. Stage name: Rosella Name: Wee Tze Siang

Monday, November 15, 2010

Artist's papaya

One of the papayas is in my workplace.
The fruit of yellow and green I did not steal.
It's randomly found in unexpected place,
That had not eaten and I leave it be.
It is untouched and still on my table.

At carpark where there's a tree found,
That one I once look at,
but misplace:
The inspiration I could not find.
A moment only one part that fascinate me
Are the colours of living thing's lives.

Gardens are the place where one can find,
Among are the papayas I pick green.
It does not consider to stealing it
The season comes and it's free country.
Now on the table, papaya's still as a sculpture.

Drawn with pastel I randomly visualize,
It's simple as a fruit, and only the colour
fascinate me to sketch
that's when inspiration strike I started,
turn blank paper to colour of flesh after being drawn.

By Petal
Copyright 2010 onwards.

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